Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship

You can study in top destinations in Europe you’ve always wanted to see, as well as study any program at the finest colleges, without having to count money or worry about your financial security throughout your two-year studies. Welcome to this guide where every Erasmus Mundus masters scholarship will be discussed.

We will explain what the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program is and also who may apply, how to apply, when to apply, and how the scholarship process works. So, let’s get into it!

What is Erasmus Mundus?

Erasmus Mundus is often a collaboration of three or more institutions that follow a similar curriculum. For example, if someone studied the first semester at the University of Glasgow, the second semester at the University of Malta, and the third semester at one of three universities: Lisbon, London, or Sweden. The person personally selected Sweden since it is one of the top 100 colleges in the world. So, as you can see, Erasmus Mundus has a lot of good institutions.

What can you genuinely study? On October 1st of each year, you may access a catalog of Erasmus Mundus programs to find out which programs you can pursue.

Of course, it mostly depends on what you studied in your bachelor’s degree and what your major is. But some master’s programs.

Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship 2024

Erasmus Mundus only covers master’s programs, thus it is a complete master’s program. So you won’t be applying via your institution; instead, you’ll go through the catalogs and click on a specific program to access a website with a more detailed explanation of the program. It will inform you where you will study, what the entrance criteria are, how much it will cost, and so on.

Everyone is only allowed to apply for three programs; if you apply for more, you will be immediately excluded from the admission process at any other institution. So three programs is the limit. Furthermore, you must complete your bachelor’s degree before applying to the program.

You have two alternatives if you wish to study via Erasmus Mundus.

  1. First, you apply for a scholarship, which normally has a due around the first week of January, and then you wait for admittance to see whether you’re admitted or not, and whether or not you received a scholarship.
  2. The second alternative is to apply as a self-funded student from the end of May or the end of April, depending on the program.

But be careful since these programs are really pricey. We understand that for American students or Canadians, it may still be cheaper than remaining in the United States, but since we are from the Czech Republic, universities are absolutely free.

Such programs may cost anything from £7,000 to €7,000 for a 2-year curriculum.

Who Can Apply for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship?

Anyone may apply. Erasmus Mundus truly supports education and offers possibilities to individuals from all around the globe. Whether you’re from Nigeria or Greece, you may apply. However, persons living outside of the European Union have a somewhat better chance of receiving a scholarship.

This is because the European Union wants to help exceptionally brilliant, intelligent, and talented individuals move to Europe.

So, who may apply to Erasmus Mundus? First, you need to complete your bachelor’s degree. It doesn’t matter, but it must be a bachelor’s degree.

You must have a bachelor’s degree certificate, and that’s pretty much it. Of course, having a beautiful portfolio of your past experience is really beneficial, but this will mostly rely on the school and the individuals reviewing your application.

The university documentation included a copy of all of our university grades, a motivating letter (about three pages long), two recommendation letters, and that is all.

It can take around one month and a half to do all of this if you want it to be flawless. But it truly depends.

If you are applying for engineering or mathematics, you may be required to write an exam. You will find it in the application.

But we’ll tell you one thing: you don’t have to get perfect marks. We did not have them. We never worried about getting A’s or 100 percent on our tests. A lot of people are more interested in enjoying the process while still experiencing academic life. So it doesn’t matter of you are never truly nerdy, and your grades range from 1 to just barely passing.

According to government statistics, the chances of receiving a scholarship are roughly 5%. So, this is… it’s unofficial, but it’s quite low.

What does this scholarship cover?

So, you’re certainly familiar with Erasmus, which might last 1 or 2 semesters. Again, it depends on whether you are in Bulgaria or traveling to Norway.

Norway certainly provides a bit more due to better standards and costs. Here, the scholarship is the same. It just differs based on your residence location. So, let’s suppose you’re from the Czech.

As a Republic, you only get a portion of the expense of your educational trip, but our friends from Brazil, for example, receive twice as much.

They get a twofold travel cost scholarship since Brazil is significantly further away and requires more travel and payment than if they traveled from the Czech Republic.

Is Erasmus Mundus scholarship really worth it?

We believe it is because it not only covers your tuition, which is quite costly, but it also includes 2 years of comprehensive insurance. So, wherever you travel, and especially in nations where you study, your insurance is covered.

It assigns you a monthly stipend. In our instance, it is around 1,000 euros. They signed it in pounds, so it may be somewhat less at times, but it remains around this pricing. It covers not only the 4 semesters of the university but also all of the activities offered by the institution, as well as a summer school, which in our case is held in the Netherlands.

Students who are not from the European Union, such as those from South America, Africa, or Asia, are also subject to initial settling expenses of up to 3,000 euros, which seems to be a large sum. But, given the immigration procedure and the weasel curse, it all makes sense.

But what we’d want to share with you is an incredible opportunity for people who like traveling but don’t want to pick between education and a master’s degree, attending university, and traveling. This is really a blend of the two. And you don’t have to, since in most programs, you study for two semesters and then hope to travel for one. Every semester, you travel.


That’s just it about Erasmus Mundus masters scholarship. We would really appreciate it if you could provide comments or let us know if there is anything missing from this publication. It was a brief discussion about what to expect in the Erasmus Mundus, including who may study there, how to apply, where to apply, and what the scholarship entails.

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